What is angelAttach?

angelAttach, the Angel Aligner precise attachment system, is a revolutionary attachment system validation and optimized by the Angel Aligner masterForce platform. There are two types of attachments, conventional attachments that are bonding to the teeth and aligner pressure points designed and manufactured using our unique and advanced manufacturing technology. Combining biomechanics, material science and mechanics, the position and morphology of our attachments are designed to achieve better force expression and a more effective and precise control of tooth movement with clear aligners. In addition Angel Aligner allows the use of other auxiliary tools such as elastics, TADs and segmental archwires with our unique innovations.

Conventional Attachments

Aligner Pressure Points

Torque Ridge

Function: Assist in root control lingually and lingual bodily movement;
Tooth: Incisor;

Intrusion Ridge

Function: Assist in intrusion;
Tooth: Incisor;

Rotation Ridge Attachment

Function: Assist in derotation;
Tooth: Incisor;

Auxillary attachments

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Have questions about our orthodontic solutions? We’re here to help! Our expert team is available to provide personalized support for both new and existing patients. Contact us today to learn more.