Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting AngelAlign Technology website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website “).


The Website is operated and maintained by Angel Aligner (hereinafter referred to as “AA”). Please read the following terms of use (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms of Use”) carefully before using the Website. Your use of the Website (including but not limited to: accessing and logging in to the Website and viewing and using the content of this Website) will be regarded as your voluntary commitment to accept the restriction of this statement. If the content of the Terms of Use is not acceptable to you, you should immediately stop using the Website and exit quickly.


1. Use of the Website

AA has limited permission for you to browse (use) the content displayed on the Website on your computer. You may make limited use of the relevant content of the Website provided that you comply with the Terms of Use.


2. Use of Cookies

To ensure normal operation of the Website and smooth user experience, AA will store cookies on your computer or mobile device. Cookies allow AA to simplify your login and store your browsing preferences.

You can manage or delete the cookies as you like. You can refuse cookies by modifying your browser settings, or you can clear all cookies saved in your mobile device. In this case, you may need to repeat the login and change user settings each time you visit the Website, which will affect your use of this system to some extent, and you may not able to use all the functions of the Website which may result in restrictions or improper functioning of certain features provided by the Website.


3. Statement of intellectual property rights

The Website, including (but not limited to) text, content, software, video, music, sound, graphics, photographs, diagrams and charts, art design, images, names, logos, trademarks and/or service marks (including the registered and the unregistered), and other data (hereinafter referred to as “the Website Content”) are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws, and all intellectual property conventions. The Website Content includes content owned or controlled by AA and content owned or controlled by third parties and licensed for use by AA. All personal articles, reports and all other elements that make up the Website may be protected by copyright. You agree to comply with all applicable copyright protection laws and regulations for the Website, and all supplemental copyright instructions or restrictions contained in the Website.


“时代天使”, “Angelalign”, “angel aligner” and all brands or logos of the Website marked with a “®” or “TM” are registered trademarks of AA (or other AA affiliates). You have no right to use the above-mentioned trademarks and names, and do not enjoy any rights and benefits without the authorization and consent of AA (or relevant rights holders). Nothing in the Website should be regarded as granting anyone a license or right to use the trademarks and other intellectual property rights displayed in the Website. All use (or misuse) of the Website’s trademarks or other content is strictly prohibited unless within the scope of application of the Terms of Use. To the maximum extent permitted by law, AA will actively protect its intellectual property rights, including resorting to criminal laws.


4. Confidentiality

Confidential information in the Terms of Use includes any proprietary information, software technical data or know-how of AA, including but not limited to source code, object code and associated programmed code, data, specifications, software patterns, algorithms, compilations, software products, formulas, designs, models, methods, processes, programs and software (whether source or object code), databases, research and development records, technical reports, test reports, experimental data, technical documentation, technology, hardware configuration information, etc. Confidential information may be a complete solution, document or product, or it may be part of the data or the elements of a solution, document or product.


The above confidential information does not include the following:

(1)Information that was already publicly obtained by legal means at the time of disclosure;

(2)Information that has been legally possessed by you and that you did not obtain it from AA before the disclosure;

(3)Information that you have legally obtained from third parties without additional obligation of confidentiality;

(4)Information that you independently develop without using or referring to AA’s confidential information, and you can provide corresponding written materials or other records to prove such independence.


During and after use, you should promise that you will strictly keep the secrets, and will not use any confidential information unless in the interest of AA, and you shall not disclose, disseminate, publish, impart or transfer any confidential information to any third parties without written authorization from AA. You agree to keep such information confidential and at least as careful as using your own confidential or proprietary information, but in no case less than reasonable care to protect and maintain confidential information from unauthorized use, disclosure, reporting, or transfer or publishing.


5. Prohibition of the use of the Website Content

Except as set forth in the Terms of Use, or with the written permission of AA, no person shall copy, reproduce, reconstruct, recompile, translate, decode, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, publish, display, run, modify, upload any content of the Website, and use it as a model for creation, reproduction or any other way to use in any other Website.


6. Special terms

The provisions of this Article apply only to the Website. For your convenience, the Website may provide links to some third-party content (hereinafter referred to as “Third-Party Content”). However, the above Third-Party Content has not been reviewed by AA and is for your reference only. AA does not endorse or adopt any Third-Party Content and does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and authenticity of any Third-Party Content unless expressly stated by AA. You shall bear all risks that you may suffer as a result of your use of the above links and Third-Party Content. In addition, any Third-Party Content regarding products, services, technical methods, or information about trade names, trademarks, manufacturers, suppliers, etc. may not be considered endorsed, sponsored or recommended by AA. You may see certain additional terms on individual web pages of the Website. Your use of the individual web pages mentioned above means that you agree to abide by the additional terms and conditions on the above individual web pages. In the event of a conflict between the additional terms on the individual web pages mentioned above and the Terms of Use, the additional terms on the individual web pages shall prevail.


7. Updates and changes of the Website

To adapt to changing laws and regulations and business scenarios, AA reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions accordingly and notify you in advance through Website announcement, and the revised terms and conditions will take effect on the effective date specified therein. You can check or download the latest version at the bottom of the Website page at any time.

If you continue to use your Website account on or after the effective date specified in the revised terms and conditions, you agree to and accept the revised terms and conditions.

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the revised terms and conditions, please contact AA via the means indicated on the Website; if you do not agree with the revised terms and conditions, you shall stop further use of the Website as of the effective date set forth in the revised terms and conditions.


8. Non-guarantee statement

All information contained on the Website, including information relating to dental, medical, products, treatments and the other services related to products, is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete and is not intended to be used in place of a patient visit, consultation or advice of a medical professional or any information contained on or in any product packaging or labels. Information obtained by using the Website is not exhaustive and does not cover all ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. The information posted is for informational purposes only and is to be used at your own risk. You should never disregard providing dental or medical advice or delay in providing medical advice because of something you have read on this Website, and you should not use the information contained on this Website for diagnosing a dental or health problem or prescribing a medication.


AA reserves the right to replace, modify or upgrade versions of the Website at any time. After a new version of the Website is released, AA does not guarantee the continued availability of the old version of the Website. AA reserves the right to unilaterally change or restrict some functions of the Website due to the needs of business development.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Website and the content of the Website do not include any explicit or implied promises regarding (but not limited to) ownership, marketability, quality satisfaction, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, timeliness and completeness of product parameters, non-infringement of intellectual property rights and rights of other parties.


AA makes reasonable commercial efforts to maintain the security and functionality of the Website, but does not guarantee the normal operation of all functions on the Website, nor does it guarantee the continuous or trouble-free operation of the Website or the timely correction of defects. If the normal operation of the Website is affected by technical failure or other unavoidable events, AA promises to repair it in time, but AA will not be responsible for any loss you may suffer from it.


AA does not guarantee that the Website is suitable for your computer’s operating Website, nor does it guarantee that the Website or its server will never fail or be free of viruses, trojan horses and other harmful programs. AA is also not responsible for any damage to your computer arising from any of the above issues.

AA is not responsible for the reliability and continuity of the network lines and equipment accessing the Website.


9. Prohibition of link theft

AA prohibits unauthorized hypertext links that point to the Website, and the unauthorized use of the web framework Website of the Website Content. AA reserves the right to disconnect any unauthorized hypertext links or web page framework Websites that point to the Website.


10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The laws of the People’s Republic of China shall apply to the interpretation and application of the Website Content and the Terms of Use, and all disputes arising from the Website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the People’s Court of the place where AA is located unless otherwise agreed.


11. Principle of continued validity

If any part of the Terms of Use is held invalid by the relevant authority, such invalid part does not affect the validity of the other parts of the Terms of Use, which remain valid.

If you have any questions or suggestions about the Website, please contact us via info@angelaligner.com and we will deal with them within 15 working days.


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