What is angelButton?™

The angelButton is an ancillary feature manufactured directly into Angel Aligners. angelButtons provide an additional anchorage point to support the use of elastics in Angel Aligner treatment. These buttons can be added and/or adjusted anywhere on the arch and are designed with high structural integrity to facilitate efficient tooth movement via elastics.

Integrated Structure

The angelButton is a part of the aligner, it resists deformation of the aligner that can occur with elastics cuts. It also dramatically reduces the clinic time.

Flexible Placement of Elastics

Flexible positioning of the angelButton allows for better use of intra-oral elastics and opens up a wide range of different uses of intra-oral elastics.

AI precise positioning

Al-based precise positioning and structural optimization algorithm -avoid the weakening regions, and make elastics more reliable.

Biomechanical optimization algorithm–integrates with masterForce biomechanical test platform, and improves the effectiveness of elastics.

Ergonomic design

Round mushroom head design prevents irritation of soft tissues, reduced button height to provide better patient comfort, optimized undercut of button to provide easier and more reliable use of elastics